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Raw Coffee Beans

Green Coffee: The Unroasted Beans that Make Delicious Coffee

Most people are familiar with roasted coffee beans, but did you know that coffee beans start out as green, unroasted seeds? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at green coffee and why it’s an important part of the coffee-making process.

Green coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee plant, known scientifically as Coffea. These seeds are found inside the fruit of the coffee plant, which is called the coffee cherry. When the cherries are ripe, they are picked, and the seeds are removed and dried. At this stage, the seeds are still green and have a slightly grassy, earthy aroma.

But why are coffee beans roasted? The roasting process is what gives coffee its delicious aroma and flavor. When the green coffee beans are heated to high temperatures, the chemical composition of the beans changes, and they begin to release gases. This is what gives roasted coffee its characteristic aroma and flavor. Different roasts, from light to dark, are achieved by roasting the beans for different amounts of time at different temperatures.

Green Coffee Beans

The roasting process also has an impact on the caffeine content of coffee. As the beans are roasted, some of the caffeine is burned off, so light roasts tend to have more caffeine than dark roasts. Additionally, the roasting process can affect the acidity of coffee, with darker roasts tending to be less acidic than lighter roasts.

In conclusion, green coffee beans are the unroasted seeds of the coffee plant. They are transformed into the delicious, aromatic roasted coffee that we know and love through the roasting process. Whether you prefer light, medium, or dark roasts, the green coffee beans are an essential part of the coffee-making process.

Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Brew vs Iced Coffee, What’s the Difference?

In the world of coffee, there are many different styles of drinks that many people enjoy. From espressos to lattes, there is something for everyone. Two popular choices are cold brew and iced coffee. While they may seem similar, they are actually quite different. 

Cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold or room temperature water for 12-24 hours. This results in a coffee that is much smoother and less acidic than traditional coffee. The end result is a coffee concentrate that is usually mixed with water or milk to make a refreshing cold drink. 

Iced coffee, on the other hand, is made by brewing coffee with hot water, then pouring it over ice. Unlike cold brew, iced coffee is usually made with regular coffee, so it is more acidic and has a stronger flavor. While it can be enjoyed on its own, some people add cream or sugar to make it a more enjoyable drink. 

So, which one is better? That really depends on your personal preference. Cold brew is great if you are looking for a smoother, less acidic coffee. Iced coffee is great if you are looking for a stronger, bolder flavor. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment and ultimately decide your favorite.

The Definitive Guide to Storing Coffee for Maximum Freshness

 Coffee is a beloved beverage around the world, enjoyed by millions of people every day. But, to ensure that your coffee tastes its best, it is important to know the best way to store it. Properly storing coffee will help to preserve its flavor and aroma, while preventing it from spoiling or losing its freshness.

When it comes to storing coffee, it is important to keep in mind that the main enemy of coffee is oxygen, humidity, heat, and light. All of these can cause the degradation of the flavor and aromas of the coffee over time. As coffee ages, the flavor and aromas of the coffee will break down, resulting in a stale taste. To prevent this from happening, it is important to store coffee in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from any direct light.

In addition to the environment, the condition of the coffee beans themselves can also contribute to the quality of the coffee. Coffee beans contain oils, which can be easily oxidized, resulting in a bitter and burnt taste in coffee. To preserve the oils in coffee beans, they should be stored in a sealed, airtight container that has been designed specifically for storing coffee. Vacuum-sealed bags are also a good choice for storing coffee, as they are able to keep the coffee sealed and prevent oxygen from entering.

Another important factor in storing coffee is the temperature. Coffee should not be stored in a refrigerator or any other cold storage space, as the cold temperature can cause the coffee to become stale and lose its flavor faster. Instead, coffee should be stored in a cool, dry location in an airtight container. It should also be stored away from any direct light, as light can hasten the oxidation process and make the coffee age faster.

Finally, it is important to remember that the quality of your coffee is determined by not only how you store it, but also when you drink it. Coffee is best consumed within the first few weeks of being roasted, as it will have more flavor and a more pleasant taste. If storing coffee for a longer period of time, it is recommended to freeze it in airtight containers, as this will help to preserve the flavor and aroma of the coffee for a longer period of time.


By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your coffee is always stored correctly, preserving its flavor and aroma for a longer period of time. Knowing the best way to store coffee is essential to making sure that the coffee you drink is always fresh and tasty.

Freshly Roasted Coffee

The Importance of Freshly Roasted Coffee

Coffee is an essential part of many people’s daily routine, providing a much-needed boost of energy to help start the day off on the right foot. While it’s easy to grab a cup of coffee from the nearest chain coffee shop, it’s important to remember that not all coffee is created equal. Freshly roasted coffee is far superior to coffee that has been sitting on a grocery store shelf for weeks or even months.

When coffee is roasted, the beans are heated to high temperatures to bring out the natural flavors and aromas. As the beans cool, they release gases, which is why freshly roasted coffee has a much more pronounced and delicious aroma than coffee that has been sitting on a shelf for a long time. Additionally, freshly roasted coffee has a more complex and nuanced flavor profile, with brighter and more pronounced acidity and a more satisfying finish.

When coffee is roasted, the beans are heated to high temperatures to bring out the natural flavors and aromas. As the beans cool, they release gases, which is why freshly roasted coffee has a much more pronounced and delicious aroma than coffee that has been sitting on a shelf for a long time. Additionally, freshly roasted coffee has a more complex and nuanced flavor profile, with brighter and more pronounced acidity and a more satisfying finish.

So next time you’re looking for a cup of coffee, consider choosing a freshly roasted option. Your taste buds will thank you, and you’ll be supporting small businesses and sustainable practices. Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy a truly delicious and satisfying cup of coffee that will help you start your day off on the right foot.